© Hikita Chisato

“おはしとアルプスごはん” exhibition in Matsumoto 2017






About one and a half years ago, Mr Toru Kikuchi, a bookstore owner of sioribi in Matsumoto, Nagano, asked me to work with him on a project. He planned to visit local craftsman and farmers who lives his neighborhood in order to interview them about their life and their beliefs. And he hoped to keep a visual record of these people and the scenery of Matsumoto in four seasons.

Mr Kenichi Kaneko, a chef who has relocated to Matsumoto with the wish to advocate for locally-grown, sustainable fresh ingredients, by using kitchen equipment produced in this city, was on board for this project after accepting the invitation from Mr Kikuchi.

I had travelled back and forth Matsumoto on monthly basis for the photo shoots. A year later, a photography book was put together in a considered way with inserts of interviews and Mr Kaneko’s special recipes.

We then came up with the name, ‘How to Make Alps gohan’, it was our deep gratitude for the nature’s blessings.

大約一年半以前,我的朋友菊池徹先生(日本長野縣松本市 栞日書店經營者邀請我參與一個採訪當地手作職人與在地耕作小農的工作理念和生活方式的計畫。菊池先生當時希望能夠藉此同步記錄屬於松本市的四季景色。一位懷抱著對食物的熱情而移居松本市的料理人金子健一先生也受邀加入這個計畫。他帶著自己的理想紮根松本,並且為了烹調美味健康的菜餚而專注於研究使用在地孕育的食材。因著這個為期一年的專訪,我必須每個月來回松本市。這些影像與訪談記錄目前已由栞日書店出版,紙本的內容也特別收錄了金子先生的私房食譜。

我們將這部集合眾人的努力所共同完成作品命名為 「Alps 在地食材計劃」,它其實就像一道來自大自然的恩典的菜餚。