© Hikita Chisato

“ohashi_to” exhibition in Taiwan Takao 2017


あなたは何でごはんを食べますか?フォークを使って?スプーン?それとも手で? わたしたちはお箸をつかいます!

台湾や韓国を訪れ、何か一つのテーマで写真を撮りまとめたいと思っていたときに、お箸が良いのではないか?と気が付きました。 町を歩き回り、食堂や屋台などでごはんを食べる人たちをたくさん撮り、そのあとさらに視点を変えて、きっとお箸があるだろう風景の写真を撮りだめました。


How do you eat food? With folk? Spoon? Or your hands? In Japan, we use chopsticks!

As a photographer, I have visited Taiwan and Korea and found what we have in common is we all use chopsticks. Then, I came up with the idea that it would be interesting if I took photos of chopsticks in our daily life. I walked around place to place and took photos of restaurants, food stalls, and people who were eating food with chopsticks. After changing my point of view, I thought it would also be interesting to take the scenery that reminds me of chopsticks.

At this exhibition, I would like to show such photos. Please enjoy the photos of chopsticks in Taiwan, Korea and my home country, Japan. I hope you can find the differences and even experience their cultures.


我是一名攝影師,當我在台灣與韓國的時候,我發現筷子是我們飲食習慣的共同點。這也是為何我開始了一個將日常生活裡運用筷子的攝影計劃,我認為它會是一個有趣的飲食紀錄。 我藉由步行,親自拜訪了不同的餐廳和攤販,並且仔細觀察使用筷子的人們。在我調整自己本身的切入點之後,我接著加入能讓我聯想到筷子的場景拍攝。

在這次的展覽中,我非常樂意向您們展示這個系列的攝影作品。歡迎您一起觀賞這些在台灣、韓國以及我的國家 – 日本所取景的平面影像。我也期待您在我的作品中體驗並感受我們彼此的看似相似卻也截然不同的文化。